Policies And Procedures
For Morning Drop Off:
Lane 1- for LEFT turn only. Drop student at crosswalk only.
Lane 2- for RIGHT turn only. Drop student at crosswalk only. Alternate cars with lane 3 to merge.
Lane 3- for RIGHT turn only. Drop student at curb. Alternate cars with lane 2 to merge.
Cross parking lot using the crosswalk ONLY. Do NOT park, stay in a lane and follow procedures above.
If you would like to meet your child at the gate, you will need to park in a space or in front of the school. No dogs are allowed on campus. Students may not be on campus before 7:35 and must be picked up no later than 10 minutes past the dismissal bell or NO SUPERVISION WILL BE PROVIDED and parents are liable. Avoid traffic by arriving before 7:45. Kindergarten students need to be picked up at their gate by a guardian or by a person on their emergency contact list. Students being picked up before the end of the day in all grades will only be released to a guardian or a person on their emergency contact list with government issued identification.
Celebrating Birthdays: If you would like to have your child's birthday celebrated at school, you need to contact their teacher. Non-food or prepackaged items can be shared with the entire class. Items such as stickers, pencils, erasers are ideas. You can also pay $10 to have your child's name put on the marquee their birthday week. We also have a Birthday Book Club. For $20 a book chosen by your child is read to their class in the library and donated to the school library with a dedication to your child's birthday in the book. Fill out this form to have your child's name on the marquee and/or have a book dedicated in honor of them in our school library.
Our daily uniform consists of:
Red, white or blue shirt with or without a collar. No pictures or logos on shirt. Heideman spirtwear is uniform.
Pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, or jumpers navy blue,or khaki or blue jeans without rips.
Shorts/skirts need to be an appropriate length for school
Shoes must be closed-toe/heel.
Motivation Monday: Students can wear a shirt with a positive message
Each child should take responsibility for the care of his/her belongings. Please label all personal belongings such as coats, sweaters, jackets, books, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. with your child’s name. If an item is misplaced, encourage your child to check in his/her classroom and the lost and found located outside the school office. Items not claimed will be donated to charity. Toys are not allowed at school. Cell phones are permitted but must be turned off during the day. TUSD is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Skateboards, scooters and bikes are stored next to lost and found outside of the office. It is law for minors to wear helmets.No junk food, candy or gum is permitted on campus.
The State of California has a compulsory education law. This law states that students are required to attend school punctually and regularly.
Excused Absence are absence for causes listed in the State Educational Code are: illness and medical appointments. For any type of doctor’s appointment, please bring a doctor’s note.* Students that have a morning or afternoon doctor appointment are required to come to school for the portion of the day that the student is not at the doctor’s office.
Unexcused Absence are absences for any reason other than those listed above. Truancy that is intentional is a violation of state attendance laws.
Emergency Trips: Please contact the school office at least three days prior to absence for approval. Students may be placed on an “Independent Contract” when it is necessary for them to be away from school because of emergency trips.
After any absence, parent/legal guardian must fill out the online form, email aapolinarsantos@tustin.k12.ca.us , call the office or send a note with the date(s) and reason for the student’s absence.
After 10 absences in a year consecutively or not, a doctor’s note is required for absences to be excused. Students that have excessive absences and/or tardies will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday with classmates, you need to communicate with their teacher to send non- food items with your child. Items such as pencils, erasers, and party favors. You can celebrate your child’s birthday week with their name on our marquee for a $10 donation to PTA. You can also dedicate a book in your child’s name for our school library through our Birthday Book Club.
Each class starts with a morning greeting and meeting. This is so important for connection and social emotional learning. If your child is late, they miss this important part of the day. Any student that is not inside the school gate by the start bell is considered tardy. Class STARTS at 8:00, so students should be IN the classroom at that time. Any student that is more than 30 minutes late will be regarded as truant.
Students with excessive tardies will be referred to the School Attendance Referral Board (SARB). Tardies cause unnecessary stress on students, teach them bad habits and disrupt the class. Students leaving 30 minutes or more before dismissal for unexcused reasons will be counted toward the SARB process.
Breakfast is served daily for all students in grades K-5 from 7:35-7:50. All students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch.
ALL GUARDIANS NEED TO DOWNLOAD PARENT SQUARE APP. This is how communication is sent home. Every Sunday evening, Mrs. Parks sends the Roadrunner News. This will come through ParentSquare. This lets you know EVERYTHING coming up that week. Follow Heideman Roadrunners on Instagram and Facebook for updates. Class Dojo is widely used for parent communication. Be sure to connect right away to stay in communication with your child’s teacher. Students in grades TK-4 have been provided with a Heideman folder that will be used as a weekly communication folder. We will strive to send all important school related materials home in this folder every Thursday.
Medication to be taken at school will be administered by the Health Clerk or other designated personnel. For the safety of all students, all medications (prescription and non-prescription) must be delivered to the Health Office by an adult in the current, originally prescribed bottle or container. A medication permit form needs to be completed and signed by the parent and physician to allow the school to administer the medication. No medication is to be brought to school by the student, nor will it be sent home with the student. Students are not to have any medication in their possession on campus; this includes aspirin, cough drops, etc.
As part of our reading, research, and library program, students in grades 1 through 5 will have the opportunity to check out library books on a weekly basis. Any student who checks out a book is responsible for keeping it in good condition and returning it to the library when it is due. We do not charge fines for overdue books, but we ask for the replacement cost of any book that has been lost or damaged. The Library Media Technician will notify the parent(s) of the lost book title and the replacement cost.
Students are provided textbooks and workbooks at no cost. This is also true for iPads. Parents may purchase iPad insurance. If they do not, they are liable for any lost or damaged iPads. Any lost or damaged textbooks will need to be replaced at a charge to the scholar/parent. Specific prices for each book are determined by the actual replacement cost.
As part of the annual data confirmation process, students and parents sign the TUSD Acceptable Use Agreement. Violation of this agreement can lead to a loss of privileges and other consequences. This applies to the use of the TUSD devices on or off campus. TUSD devices are for school purposes only and remain property of TUSD. Students may not access the devices or the internet without a signed TUSD Acceptable Use Agreement.
Heideman Elementary School has a Catalyst Kids child care program, which provides quality childcare to scholars both before and after school. If you are interested in this program, please contact the Catalyst Kids at 714-834-0441. ASES is now under Catalyst Kids.
Parents are encouraged to be involved with our school and your child’s education. You can do this by volunteering in your child’s classroom, chaperoning field trips, helping in the office, supporting PTA, joining School Site Council and our English Language Advisory Committee. Your involvement at home means a lot to your child’s success. Reading with your child is the most important thing you can do in any language. Checking your child’s homework, making sure they are on time to school, attending family nights, and promoting school in a positive way all positively affect your child’s opinion about school and their success too.